
Join FAIA for Political Engagement Month

By BG Murphy posted 01-12-2021 17:01

COVID-19 has affected how we operate on a daily basis, from how we navigate public places to how we attend business meetings. Though this time has created many challenges, it has created unique opportunities for all of us to connect in new ways.

This year, FAIA made the decision to cancel our annual in-person Capitol Days event. As it stands, the Capitol is limiting in-person participation from the public, and our members would not be able to engage with their legislators in the same way they have in years past. Instead, I am excited to announce that throughout the month of February, we will host our first Political Engagement Month. Our hope is that this virtual opportunity will allow those who come to the Capitol this year to engage in a new way and that members who have not had the opportunity to participate in the past can become engaged in the legislative process.

We’re working on finalizing the details now and registration will be opening soon. Here’s what I can share today: each week in February, members will have the opportunity to hear from elected officials, regulators, and industry experts on important issues impacting the insurance industry. Our speakers and guests will share their goals and insights on what to expect during the 2021 Legislative Session, and the FAIA team will be on hand to help members engage with the process and connect with their local legislators. This will be my first Legislative Session with FAIA and while I am disappointed to miss out on meeting many of you in person, I am excited about the opportunity to engage more of our members in the legislative process.

If you want to learn more about what we have planned, tune in to Friday Morning Live! this Friday at 9:00 a.m. (Eastern). Kyle Ulrich, Laura Pearce, and I will be talking with Dave Newell about some of the sessions we have planned for Political Engagement Month and you’ll get a preview of what’s coming up during the 2021 Legislative Session.

Register for Friday Morning Live:
1 comment



01-14-2021 14:21

Exciting! I am looking forward to it!